Is Time Travel Possible For Humans ?

by September 28, 2020 0 comments

Your time is very precious and as the tickling of the clock goes on, it realizes you that you have spent one more second of your life and it won't come back again. We all have seen the time machines in science fiction movies that can travel us into our future. But is it possible in our real-life?? Well, keep watching Gateway to knowledge to know is time travel possible for humans?? Well, to begin with, you must know that the time travel is of two types going back in our time and going forward in time. So let's discuss the first type that can we travel back in our time?? we know that traveling back is impossible. Even sending information/data back in time is very difficult to imagine this is because it can change things that have already happened which should be impossible. Time traveling is a confusing idea for most people that's because when we think of the time we think about it, as going in a straight line with one thing happening after another. If we travel back in time and change something that happened before, change the order of that lines. This would mean breaking a rule called the "casualty". Casualty is the rule saying that a cause happens before an effect, and it is one of the unbreakable rules of the universe breaking this rule would have nasty consequences for the universe and all of us. Experts think that because the universe has this rule, traveling to the past must be impossible otherwise, the rule would have broken all the time. So, now comes the second question that can we go forward in our time?? Well technically, we are already traveling forward in time because time is passing every second and we are traveling one second into the future. But this happens to everyone so it's not real-time traveling, right?? you might not believe, different time rates can be felt by two different peaple. Time passes differently for someone who is moving fast as compared to someone who is standing still.

This is actually a very complicated idea that is known as the "time dilation". Let's consider, someone is flying from Sydney to Melbourne will feel time passes more quickly than who is waiting for them at the airport without moving. So, why don't we notice this difference?? It's because you have to be moving much much faster than an airplane. Before you start to notice this time dilation, even if you flew all the way around the world, the time would only feel a billionth of a second, different to someone who stayed at home The only way scientists even know about the time dilation is because of amazingly accurate experiments that have measured it. Unfortunately, this still can't help us to time travel. If you feel around the world for more than 4 million years, people on the ground would only have experience one more second than you. So, if it's all about speed then how fast can we go to travel time?? If you could go fast enough for long enough hundreds of minutes could slip by on your journey, which means that you would feel like you were traveling into the future. Unfortunately, the speed enough to the close to the speed of light, which is the fastest speed anything can go. Light travels at about 1 billion kilometers an hour and that's very, very fast.  The fastest human-made things Nasa's Parker Solar Probe which is a spaceship sent to the sun in August2018. but as fast as, it is it's only 0.064percent as fast as the speed of light. So the light is more than 1000 times faster. All of this means that if humans want to visit the future we have got a long long way to go. OKAY, so we can't time travel but we still have some hope that we can actually do it, because the technology is advancing day by day and we are very much hope that we humans can move as fast as the speed of flight.


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